getting my hair done

Like Joyce Myers says, “If you’re afraid of something, what do you do?  You do it afraid.”  Then I learned that we don’t have a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power and love and self-discipline.

At all times, I would ask myself if my inner thoughts or feelings are worth posting on this medium.  And kept on asking what makes me settle with this different kind of world?  This is my way of expression and I am writing for me.  This works for me especially when I feel so alone, literally physically.  I have promised myself that I’ll be choosing to avoid any disparagement.

A friend who happens to be a single woman would have a different view, a different notion, and a different outlook.  How could I be strong if my friends are not strong for me?  She would never never understand, ever.  It is just so easy to say those words.  To her, I still remain stubborn.  And from whom I should pose a spirit of power?

If love is powerful, then why I’m feeling so this way again?



Sabi daa…

To trust to love, to open ourselves to emotional communication with other people is to run the risk of being hurt. (But I am not referring to other people here).  If we are hurt once, we can do one of two things. We can build a thick protective shell, or scar tissue, to prevent being hurt again, live like an oyster, and not be hurt. Or we can “turn the other cheek,” remain vulnerable and go on living creatively.

An oyster is never “hurt.”

Sana oyster na lang ako.

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